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What is Steablecoin
A stable coin is a digital currency whose value is tied to an asset. Dollar backed altcoins are the most popular, the ratio is usually 1:1. An equivalent amount is held in the accounts to ensure that the digital coin is tied to the fiat. Coins may be used for the following purposes: • Buy steablecoin for storage and be able to quickly exchange it for another currency or withdraw it into fiat. • Sending money to another person, incl. abroad. • Transfer of own funds between exchanges. • The capture of profits in cryptocurrency trading (especially needed in bear market periods). • Earnings on crypto lending or steaking. A stable coin has an undeniable advantage over other cryptocurrencies - under normal circumstances, it maintains a predictable price range. The availability of reserves guarantees the holder of Steablecoin that he can convert it to fiat at any time. It is easy to buy steablecoin, and the relative stability of the price attracts the confidence of a large number of users. Increasing the number of market participants increases trading volume and market capitalization.
20.04.2022, 18:20